Your name in chinese Boston Tagalo
How is Boston Tagalo written in chinese?
Boston Tagalo in simplified chinese:
Boston Tagalo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Boston Tagalo in chinese?
Boston Tagalo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Boston Tagalo in chinese:
Picture of the name Boston Tagalo in chinese:

Meaning of Boston Tagalo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
波 | waves, breakers; undulations |
士 | scholar, gentleman; soldier |
顿 | pause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange |
他 | other, another; he, she, it |
加 | add to, increase, augment |
禄 | blessing, happiness, prosperity |
语 | language, words; saying, expression |
Example sentences that contain Boston Tagalo in chinese:
Boston Tagalo and Priciliana are very good friends
Boston Tagalo's favorite fruit is the strawberry
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Hughie | 休吉 |
Awa | 阿波 |
Mejas | 梅哈斯 |
Hasnae | 哈斯内 |
Kaaku | 卡库 |
Herminio | 赫米尼奥 |
Estefani | 埃斯特法尼 |
Orit | 奥利特 |
Gabriel Angel | 加百利天使 |
Perine | 佩琳 |