Your name in chinese Brahyan

How is Brahyan written in chinese?

Brahyan in simplified chinese:


Brahyan in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Brahyan in chinese?

Brahyan transcribed to pinyin:

pó luó yáng

Pronunciation of Brahyan in chinese:

Picture of the name Brahyan in chinese:

The name Brahyan in chinese characters

Meaning of Brahyan characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
old woman; grandmother
net for catching birds; gauze
scatter, spread; praise

Example sentences that contain Brahyan in chinese:

Brahyan is studying chinese


póluóyáng zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Brahyan's friend has six trees


póluóyáng de péngyǒu yǒu liù kē shù

Brahyan now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Brahyan in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Brianeth 布里内思
Yinny 因尼
Quico 奎科
Mikaella 米凯拉
Evani 伊万尼
Camil 卡米尔
Veneranda 维内兰达
Dorine 多琳
Lu Keran 陆可染
Komiya 小宫

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