Your name in chinese Business Employee
How is Business Employee written in chinese?
Business Employee in simplified chinese:
Business Employee in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Business Employee in chinese?
Business Employee transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Business Employee in chinese:
Picture of the name Business Employee in chinese:

Meaning of Business Employee characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
企 | plan a project; stand on tiptoe |
业 | profession, business; GB radical 111 |
员 | member; personnel, staff member |
工 | labor, work; worker, laborer |
Example sentences that contain Business Employee in chinese:
Business Employee wants to go to Italy
Business Employee has given four trees a Gabriella
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Florianne | 弗洛丽安 |
Horse | 马 |
Federico Montero | 费德里科·蒙特罗 |
Hamlet | 村庄 |
Karyme | 卡里姆 |
Yuria | 尤里亚 |
Lea | 读 |
Zendaya | 赞达亚 |
Ouarda | 瓦尔达 |
Kelle | 凯勒 |