Your name in chinese Calloway
How is Calloway written in chinese?
Calloway in simplified chinese:
Calloway in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Calloway in chinese?
Calloway transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Calloway in chinese:
Picture of the name Calloway in chinese:

Meaning of Calloway characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
卡 | card, punch card; calorie |
洛 | river in Shanxi province; city |
威 | pomp, power; powerful; dominate |
Example sentences that contain Calloway in chinese:
Calloway is studying japanese
Calloway's friend has six bikes
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Joaba | 乔巴 |
Solveig | 索尔维格 |
Kahil | 卡希尔 |
Maria Gemma | 玛丽亚·杰玛 |
Pyper | 派珀 |
Nasmy | 讨厌的 |
Abegale | 阿贝格尔 |
Malwina | 马尔维娜 |
Ramirez | 拉米雷斯 |
Dany | 丹妮 |