Your name in chinese Camden

How is Camden written in chinese?

Camden in simplified chinese:


Camden in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Camden in chinese?

Camden transcribed to pinyin:

qiǎ mǔ dēng

Pronunciation of Camden in chinese:

Picture of the name Camden in chinese:

The name Camden in chinese characters

Meaning of Camden characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
card, punch card; calorie
nurse, babysitter
rise, mount, board, climb

Example sentences that contain Camden in chinese:

Camden has given three trees a Eliora


qiǎmǔdēng gěi āilǐàolā sòngle sān kē shù

Camden's friend has three trees


qiǎmǔdēng de péngyǒu yǒu sān kē shù

Camden now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Mirela 看着她
Sayer 赛耶
Maino 梅诺
Peter 彼得
Evia 埃维亚
Olympos 奥林波斯
Vanille 瓦尼尔
Tawny 黄褐色
Rain Bow 彩虹
Cristofer 克里斯托弗

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