Your name in chinese Camlet

How is Camlet written in chinese?

Camlet in simplified chinese:


Camlet in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Camlet in chinese?

Camlet transcribed to pinyin:

yǔ shā

Pronunciation of Camlet in chinese:

Picture of the name Camlet in chinese:

The name Camlet in chinese characters

Meaning of Camlet characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
feather, plume; wings; rad. 124
gauze, thin silk; yarn, thread

Example sentences that contain Camlet in chinese:

Camlet has given six books a Anette


yǔshā gěi ānnītè sòngle liù běn shū

Camlet's favorite color is white


yǔshā zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Camlet now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Benjamin 本杰明
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