Your name in chinese Canelas
How is Canelas written in chinese?
Canelas in simplified chinese:
Canelas in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Canelas in chinese?
Canelas transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Canelas in chinese:
Picture of the name Canelas in chinese:

Meaning of Canelas characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
肉 | flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 |
桂 | cassia or cinnamon |
Example sentences that contain Canelas in chinese:
Canelas wants to go to Peru
Canelas's friend has ten motorcycles
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mena | 中东和北非 |
Maria Fuencisla | 玛丽亚·富恩西斯拉 |
Jhayzel | 杰泽尔 |
Derly Rocio | 德里罗西奥 |
Ilianna | 伊莲娜 |
Osman | 奥斯曼 |
Ziyad Tootla | 齐亚德·图特拉 |
Okiwe | 冲绳 |
Azure | 天蓝色 |
Moonlight | 月光 |