Your name in chinese Canelas

How is Canelas written in chinese?

Canelas in simplified chinese:


Canelas in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Canelas in chinese?

Canelas transcribed to pinyin:

ròu guì

Pronunciation of Canelas in chinese:

Picture of the name Canelas in chinese:

The name Canelas in chinese characters

Meaning of Canelas characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130
cassia or cinnamon

Example sentences that contain Canelas in chinese:

Canelas has given two motorcycles a Tias


ròuguì gěi dìyàsī sòngle liǎng liàng mótuōchē

Canelas wants to go to Spain


ròuguì xiǎng qù xībānyá

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Severus 西弗勒斯
Adina 阿迪娜
Tato 塔托
Nour Eddine 努尔·埃丁
Bayu 巴渝
Kraft 牛皮纸
Chrystel 克里斯特尔
Gorlitz 戈利茨
Rajah 拉贾
Hempiroso 大麻素

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