Your name in chinese Car Lene
How is Car Lene written in chinese?
Car Lene in simplified chinese:
Car Lene in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Car Lene in chinese?
Car Lene transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Car Lene in chinese:
Picture of the name Car Lene in chinese:

Meaning of Car Lene characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
卡 | card, punch card; calorie |
琳 | beautiful jade, gem |
Example sentences that contain Car Lene in chinese:
Car Lene and Joan Salvatierra are very good friends
Car Lene wants to go to Russia
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
John Jairo | 约翰·杰罗 |
Abdelmoize | 阿卜杜勒莫伊兹 |
Meghan | 梅根 |
Emem | 埃姆 |
Probs | 问题 |
Suzel | 苏泽尔 |
Seraphine | 塞拉芬 |
Dikka | 迪卡 |
Marcelina | 马塞利纳 |
Lix | 力克斯 |