Your name in chinese Cebu
How is Cebu written in chinese?
Cebu in simplified chinese:
Cebu in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Cebu in chinese?
Cebu transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Cebu in chinese:
Picture of the name Cebu in chinese:

Meaning of Cebu characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
宿 | stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation |
雾 | fog, mist, vapor, fine spray |
Example sentences that contain Cebu in chinese:
Cebu and Jiliane are very good friends
Cebu has given two houses a Jiliane
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Silo | 筒仓 |
Blanca Maria | 布兰卡·玛丽亚 |
Ameen | 阿明 |
Collado | 科拉多 |
Rosendo | 罗森多 |
Sage | 圣人 |
Humberto | 温贝托 |
Nairy | 奈里 |
Jose Gabriel | 何塞·加布里埃尔 |
Iker Yael | 伊克尔·耶尔 |