Your name in chinese Cereal

How is Cereal written in chinese?

Cereal in simplified chinese:


Cereal in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Cereal in chinese?

Cereal transcribed to pinyin:

mài piàn

Pronunciation of Cereal in chinese:

Picture of the name Cereal in chinese:

The name Cereal in chinese characters

Meaning of Cereal characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199
slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91

Example sentences that contain Cereal in chinese:

Cereal has given two cars a Amaya Lahey


màipiàn gěi āmǎyà·láixī sòngle liǎng liàng chē

Cereal's favorite color is red


màipiàn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hóngsè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Luvenia 卢文尼亚
Constantina 君士坦丁
Sherlize 雪莉兹
Trace 特拉思
Alina 阿丽娜
Maika 麦卡
Malena 马莱纳
Eeson 伊森
Antonio Gabriel 安东尼奥·加布里埃尔
Hein 海因

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