Your name in chinese Cereales

How is Cereales written in chinese?

Cereales in simplified chinese:


Cereales in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Cereales in chinese?

Cereales transcribed to pinyin:

mài piàn

Pronunciation of Cereales in chinese:

Picture of the name Cereales in chinese:

The name Cereales in chinese characters

Meaning of Cereales characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199
slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91

Example sentences that contain Cereales in chinese:

Cereales is studying french


màipiàn zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Cereales and Eula are very good friends


màipiàn hé ōulā shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Lisa Marie 丽莎玛丽
Purificacion 纯化
Elyne 艾琳
Shelsy 谢尔西
Kilo 公斤
Shaye 沙野
Meruni 梅鲁尼
Hilser 希尔瑟
Kubra 库布拉

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