Your name in chinese Ceres

How is Ceres written in chinese?

Ceres in simplified chinese:


Ceres in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ceres in chinese?

Ceres transcribed to pinyin:

gǔ shén xīng

Pronunciation of Ceres in chinese:

Picture of the name Ceres in chinese:

The name Ceres in chinese characters

Meaning of Ceres characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
valley, gorge, ravine
spirit, god, supernatural being
a star, planet; any point of light

Example sentences that contain Ceres in chinese:

Ceres and Janik are very good friends


gǔshénxīng hé jiǎníkè shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Ceres is studying english


gǔshénxīng zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ

Ceres now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Alishba 阿利什巴
Salinas 萨利纳斯
Blessed 祝福
Maximus 马克西姆斯
Laua 劳阿
Dalai 达赖
Artemio 阿尔泰米奥
Longino 隆基诺
Loftin Dylan 洛夫廷·迪伦
Diamond 钻石

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