Your name in chinese Chance

How is Chance written in chinese?

Chance in simplified chinese:


Chance in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Chance in chinese?

Chance transcribed to pinyin:

shì jī huì

Pronunciation of Chance in chinese:

Picture of the name Chance in chinese:

The name Chance in chinese characters

Meaning of Chance characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that
desk; machine; moment
assemble, meet together; meeting

Example sentences that contain Chance in chinese:

Chance wants to go to Peru


shìjīhuì xiǎng qù bìlǔ

Chance has given ten trees a Ciaran


shìjīhuì gěi xiàlán sòngle shí kē shù

Chance now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Joep 乔普
Louis Miguel 路易斯·米格尔
Eden 伊甸园
Suman 苏曼
Ontiveros 昂蒂维罗斯
Adri 阿德里
Yased 亚瑟德
Meri 梅里
Xiang Shuxian 向淑贤
Angel Park 天使公园

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