Your name in chinese Chandal

How is Chandal written in chinese?

Chandal in simplified chinese:


Chandal in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Chandal in chinese?

Chandal transcribed to pinyin:

yùn dòng fú

Pronunciation of Chandal in chinese:

Picture of the name Chandal in chinese:

The name Chandal in chinese characters

Meaning of Chandal characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
run; simplified form of 運 luck, fortune; ship, transport
move, happen; movement, action
clothes; wear, dress

Example sentences that contain Chandal in chinese:

Chandal's friend has four televisions


yùndòngfú de péngyǒu yǒu sì tái diànshì

Chandal has given four televisions a Precilia


yùndòngfú gěi pǔlěixīlìyà sòngle sì tái diànshì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Evaelle 埃瓦尔
Ratnesh 拉特内什
Alexy 亚历克西
Antonella 安东内拉
Erasto 埃拉斯托
Zola 佐拉
Liudmila 柳德米拉
Kathetine 凯瑟汀
Kiyan 基扬
May Den 梅登

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