Your name in chinese Chang Geub

How is Chang Geub written in chinese?

Chang Geub in simplified chinese:


Chang Geub in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Chang Geub in chinese?

Chang Geub transcribed to pinyin:

zhāng gé bù

Pronunciation of Chang Geub in chinese:

Picture of the name Chang Geub in chinese:

The name Chang Geub in chinese characters

Meaning of Chang Geub characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
stretch, extend, expand; sheet
pattern, standard, form; style
cotton cloth, textiles, linen

Example sentences that contain Chang Geub in chinese:

Chang Geub's favorite fruit is the handle


zhānggébù zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì mángguǒ

Chang Geub wants to go to France


zhānggébù xiǎng qù fàguó

Chang Geub now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Chang Geub in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Iliang 宜良
Sera 色拉
Milow 米洛
Zulaika 祖莱卡
Noha 诺哈
Kunno 群野
Your Mom 你妈
Jeanpiert 让皮尔特
Jarryah 贾里亚
Jahaira 贾海拉

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