Your name in chinese Chang Geun
How is Chang Geun written in chinese?
Chang Geun in simplified chinese:
Chang Geun in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Chang Geun in chinese?
Chang Geun transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Chang Geun in chinese:
Picture of the name Chang Geun in chinese:

Meaning of Chang Geun characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
张 | stretch, extend, expand; sheet |
根 | root, base(d on); foundation |
Example sentences that contain Chang Geun in chinese:
Chang Geun is studying italian
Chang Geun has given four cats a Vianela
Chang Geun now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Chang Geun in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Miren Edurne | 美乐恩艾杜勒 |
Emory | 埃默里 |
Carla | 卡拉 |
Aleesia | 阿莱西亚 |
Kenzi | 肯兹 |
Harouna | 哈鲁纳 |
Taiset | 泰赛特 |
Lousi | 娄西 |
Ana Teresa | 安娜·特蕾莎 |
Huj | 胡日 |