Your name in chinese Chappy

How is Chappy written in chinese?

Chappy in simplified chinese:


Chappy in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Chappy in chinese?

Chappy transcribed to pinyin:

jiā huǒ

Pronunciation of Chappy in chinese:

Picture of the name Chappy in chinese:

The name Chappy in chinese characters

Meaning of Chappy characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
house, home, residence; family
companion, colleague; utensils

Example sentences that contain Chappy in chinese:

Chappy is studying french


jiāhuǒ zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Chappy has given nine trees a Hamzose


jiāhuǒ gěi hāmǔzuǒzé sòngle jiǔ kē shù

Chappy now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Defne 定义
Nikolai 尼古拉
Nadiya 纳迪亚
Yoan 约安
Ferrer 费雷尔
Tiara Nurvia 头饰努尔维亚
Dagmaris 达格马里斯
Haisley 海斯利
Tracey 特蕾西
Naziha 纳齐哈

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