Your name in chinese Charlotte Coves

How is Charlotte Coves written in chinese?

Charlotte Coves in simplified chinese:


Charlotte Coves in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Charlotte Coves in chinese?

Charlotte Coves transcribed to pinyin:

xià luò tè wān

Pronunciation of Charlotte Coves in chinese:

Picture of the name Charlotte Coves in chinese:

The name Charlotte Coves in chinese characters

Meaning of Charlotte Coves characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
summer; great, grand, big
river in Shanxi province; city
special, unique, distinguished
bay, cove, inlet, bend of stream

Example sentences that contain Charlotte Coves in chinese:

Charlotte Coves's friend has six cats


xiàluòtèwān de péngyǒu yǒu liù zhī māo

Charlotte Coves has given six cats a Vanity


xiàluòtèwān gěi xūróng sòngle liù zhī māo

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nixosela 尼克塞拉
Salifu 萨利夫
Luna Brillo 露娜布里洛
Thor 雷神
Josalyn 乔萨琳
Fabrizzio 法布里齐奥
Alavez 阿拉维斯
Duke 杜克
Kellie 凯莉
Yunuen 尤努恩

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