Your name in chinese Charvee

How is Charvee written in chinese?

Charvee in simplified chinese:


Charvee in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Charvee in chinese?

Charvee transcribed to pinyin:

chá wéi

Pronunciation of Charvee in chinese:

Picture of the name Charvee in chinese:

The name Charvee in chinese characters

Meaning of Charvee characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
investigate, examine, seek into
maintain, preserve, safeguard

Example sentences that contain Charvee in chinese:

Charvee has given nine watches a Edward


cháwéi gěi àidéhuá sòngle jiǔ ge shǒubiǎo

Charvee wants to go to USA


cháwéi xiǎng qù měiguó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Faraj 法拉杰
Beuving 奔腾
Jaquez 雅克斯
Zachery 扎奇里
Cesarine 切萨琳
Mohamed Amine 穆罕默德胺
Chon 全天
Mayarlett 马亚莱特
Hidayah 喜达雅
Liyan 立言

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