Your name in chinese Chayse

How is Chayse written in chinese?

Chayse in simplified chinese:


Chayse in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Chayse in chinese?

Chayse transcribed to pinyin:

guì fēi

Pronunciation of Chayse in chinese:

Picture of the name Chayse in chinese:

The name Chayse in chinese characters

Meaning of Chayse characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
expensive, costly, valuable
wife, spouse; imperial concubine

Example sentences that contain Chayse in chinese:

Chayse has given seven cars a Cheryl Ann


guìfēi gěi xièlìěrān sòngle qī liàng chē

Chayse's favorite fruit is the pineapple


guìfēi zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì bōluó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Kevinn 凯文
Javier Patrick 哈维尔·帕特里克
Yaiza 矢座
Zulkifl 祖尔基夫
Jillian 吉莲
Roser 罗瑟
Fernanda Abigail 费尔南达·阿比盖尔
Naila 奈拉
Yanin 亚宁
Rodney 罗德尼

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