Your name in chinese Cherry Ann
How is Cherry Ann written in chinese?
Cherry Ann in simplified chinese:
Cherry Ann in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Cherry Ann in chinese?
Cherry Ann transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Cherry Ann in chinese:
Picture of the name Cherry Ann in chinese:

Meaning of Cherry Ann characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
樱 | cherry, cherry blossom |
桃 | peach; marriage; surname |
安 | peaceful, tranquil, quiet |
Example sentences that contain Cherry Ann in chinese:
Cherry Ann is studying spanish
Cherry Ann wants to go to United Kingdom
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Amadeus | 艾玛迪斯 |
Gemei | 格美 |
Oscar Jose | 奥斯卡·何塞 |
Harold | 哈罗德 |
Arslan | 阿尔斯兰 |
Silvy | 西尔维 |
Boaz | 波阿斯 |
Emlili | 埃姆利 |
Stefan | 斯特凡 |
Olan | 奥兰 |