Your name in chinese Chihiro

How is Chihiro written in chinese?

Chihiro in simplified chinese:


Chihiro in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Chihiro in chinese?

Chihiro transcribed to pinyin:

qiān xún

Pronunciation of Chihiro in chinese:

Picture of the name Chihiro in chinese:

The name Chihiro in chinese characters

Meaning of Chihiro characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler
seek, search, look for; ancient

Example sentences that contain Chihiro in chinese:

Chihiro's favorite fruit is the orange


qiānxún zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì chéngzi

Chihiro's friend has three houses


qiānxún de péngyǒu yǒu sān jiān fángzi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Pedro Ignacio 佩德罗·伊格纳西奥
Serina 塞丽娜
Syaffa 沙法
Ezequiela 埃塞奎拉
Stinky 臭臭的
Auxiliadora 帮手
Heide 海德
Deonte 德昂特
Teodoro 西奥多
Ademola 阿德莫拉

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