Your name in chinese Child

How is Child written in chinese?

Child in simplified chinese:


Child in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Child in chinese?

Child transcribed to pinyin:

hái zǐ

Pronunciation of Child in chinese:

Picture of the name Child in chinese:

The name Child in chinese characters

Meaning of Child characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
baby, child; children
offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch

Example sentences that contain Child in chinese:

Child's favorite color is pink


háizǐ zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Child's friend has ten cats


háizǐ de péngyǒu yǒu shí zhī māo

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ellen Roerade 艾伦·罗拉德
Victorin 维克多林
Ariela 阿里拉
Beristain 贝里斯坦
Scaramouche 斯卡拉穆什
Marie Emilie 玛丽艾米莉
Odet 奥代
Deangelo 迪安杰洛
Juanma 娟妈
Estrada 埃斯特拉达

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