Your name in chinese Christobal

How is Christobal written in chinese?

Christobal in simplified chinese:


Christobal in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Christobal in chinese?

Christobal transcribed to pinyin:

kè lǐ sī tuō fú

Pronunciation of Christobal in chinese:

Picture of the name Christobal in chinese:

The name Christobal in chinese characters

Meaning of Christobal characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
gram; overcome; transliteration
unit of distance; village; lane
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
to hold up with palm; to support, rely on
not, negative

Example sentences that contain Christobal in chinese:

Christobal has given eight bikes a Kiel


kèlǐsītuōfú gěi jīěr sòngle bā liàng zìxíngchē

Christobal wants to go to Chile


kèlǐsītuōfú xiǎng qù zhìlì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Vino 维诺
Felix Manuel 费利克斯·曼努埃尔
Gu Na Wan 古那丸
Ronin 罗宁
Brayg 布雷格
Mendoza 门多萨
Wilson Jose 威尔逊何塞
Elvi 埃尔维
Tar 柏油
Marinette 马里内特

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