Your name in chinese Ciara Joy

How is Ciara Joy written in chinese?

Ciara Joy in simplified chinese:


Ciara Joy in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ciara Joy in chinese?

Ciara Joy transcribed to pinyin:

xí yà lā xǐ yuè

Pronunciation of Ciara Joy in chinese:

Picture of the name Ciara Joy in chinese:

The name Ciara Joy in chinese characters

Meaning of Ciara Joy characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
seat; mat; take seat; banquet
Asia; second
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
like, love, enjoy; joyful thing
pleased, contented, gratified

Example sentences that contain Ciara Joy in chinese:

Ciara Joy wants to go to Japan


xíyàlāxǐyuè xiǎng qù rìběn

Ciara Joy's friend has five houses


xíyàlāxǐyuè de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ jiān fángzi

Ciara Joy now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Ciara Joy in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Tesnime 泰斯尼姆
James Marie 詹姆斯·玛丽
Kyomi 京美
Rein 缰绳
Meredith 梅雷迪思
Nuna 努娜
Nilo 尼洛
Dona 多纳
Yasemin 亚瑟明

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