Your name in chinese Coeur
How is Coeur written in chinese?
Coeur in simplified chinese:
Coeur in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Coeur in chinese?
Coeur transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Coeur in chinese:
Picture of the name Coeur in chinese:

Meaning of Coeur characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
心 | heart; mind, intelligence; soul |
Example sentences that contain Coeur in chinese:
Coeur's favorite fruit is the tomato
Coeur is studying english
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Angel Alberto | 天使阿尔贝托 |
Vishwjeet | 维什维耶特 |
Seina | 塞纳 |
Darko | 达科 |
Nayaret | 纳亚雷特 |
Leger | 莱杰 |
Capricornio | 摩羯座 |
Maribhel | 马里比尔 |
Nelia | 尼利亚 |
Tylar | 泰拉 |