Your name in chinese Connard

How is Connard written in chinese?

Connard in simplified chinese:


Connard in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Connard in chinese?

Connard transcribed to pinyin:

kāng nà dé

Pronunciation of Connard in chinese:

Picture of the name Connard in chinese:

The name Connard in chinese characters

Meaning of Connard characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy
admit, take, receive, accept
ethics, morality, virtue

Example sentences that contain Connard in chinese:

Connard is studying english


kāngnàdé zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ

Connard has given two trees a Yllan


kāngnàdé gěi yīlán sòngle liǎng kē shù

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Haringes 哈林斯
Alizea 艾丽莎
Marvie 马维
Andree 安德烈
Adriel Lee 阿德里尔·李
Derrick 井架
Christena 克里斯蒂娜
Andersson 安德森
Ramunet 拉穆内特
Soner 声纳

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