Your name in chinese Conover

How is Conover written in chinese?

Conover in simplified chinese:


Conover in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Conover in chinese?

Conover transcribed to pinyin:

kāng nuò fú

Pronunciation of Conover in chinese:

Picture of the name Conover in chinese:

The name Conover in chinese characters

Meaning of Conover characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy
promise; assent, approve
not, negative

Example sentences that contain Conover in chinese:

Conover's favorite color is pink


kāngnuòfú zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Conover has given three dogs a Ruslana


kāngnuòfú gěi lǔsīlánnà sòngle sān zhī gǒu

Conover now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Izaaja 伊扎亚
Jorge Miguel 豪尔赫·米格尔
Boliviano 玻利维亚诺
Heimdall 海姆达尔
Nelli 内利
Rabea 拉贝亚
Sherry 雪莉酒
Mar Su 马苏
Deandrea 迪安德里亚
Colis 大肠杆菌

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