Your name in chinese Cronos Hiperion
How is Cronos Hiperion written in chinese?
Cronos Hiperion in simplified chinese:
Cronos Hiperion in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Cronos Hiperion in chinese?
Cronos Hiperion transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Cronos Hiperion in chinese:
Picture of the name Cronos Hiperion in chinese:

Meaning of Cronos Hiperion characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
克 | gram; overcome; transliteration |
洛 | river in Shanxi province; city |
诺 | promise; assent, approve |
斯 | this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle |
· | Meaning not available |
海 | sea, ocean; maritime |
波 | waves, breakers; undulations |
利 | gains, advantage, profit, merit |
安 | peaceful, tranquil, quiet |
Example sentences that contain Cronos Hiperion in chinese:
Cronos Hiperion and Vanessa are very good friends
Cronos Hiperion is studying italian
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Deakon | 迪康 |
Irfan | 伊尔凡 |
Jorge Gonzalez | 豪尔赫·冈萨雷斯 |
Allan | 艾伦 |
Thuy | 翠 |
Hiles | 希尔斯 |
Samra | 萨姆拉 |
Huseyin | 侯赛因 |
Tristin | 特里斯汀 |
Daylen | 戴琳 |