Your name in chinese Cut Heaven
How is Cut Heaven written in chinese?
Cut Heaven in simplified chinese:
Cut Heaven in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Cut Heaven in chinese?
Cut Heaven transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Cut Heaven in chinese:
Picture of the name Cut Heaven in chinese:

Meaning of Cut Heaven characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
切 | cut, mince, slice, carve |
天 | sky, heaven; god, celestial |
堂 | hall; government office |
Example sentences that contain Cut Heaven in chinese:
Cut Heaven and Roy are very good friends
Cut Heaven's favorite fruit is the orange
Cut Heaven now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Cut Heaven in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Chiva | 芝华 |
Jese | 杰西 |
Pardofelis | 帕尔多费利斯 |
Anet | 阿内特 |
Ava Deluca | 艾娃·德卢卡 |
Teboul | 特布尔 |
Preston | 普雷斯顿 |
Jean Mathieu | 让·马修 |
Russ | 拉斯 |
Xander | 夏按德儿 |