Your name in chinese Cut Heaven

How is Cut Heaven written in chinese?

Cut Heaven in simplified chinese:


Cut Heaven in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Cut Heaven in chinese?

Cut Heaven transcribed to pinyin:

qiè tiān táng

Pronunciation of Cut Heaven in chinese:

Picture of the name Cut Heaven in chinese:

The name Cut Heaven in chinese characters

Meaning of Cut Heaven characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
cut, mince, slice, carve
sky, heaven; god, celestial
hall; government office

Example sentences that contain Cut Heaven in chinese:

Cut Heaven's favorite color is pink


qiètiāntáng zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Cut Heaven and Yveline are very good friends


qiètiāntáng hé yīfúlín shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Cut Heaven now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Jazzlyn 爵士林
Carmina 卡米纳
Aubrielle 奥布里埃
Yair Ulloaa 亚尔乌洛阿
Jeanny 珍妮
Rayden 雷顿
Marie Therese 玛丽·特蕾莎
Sylvio 西尔维奥
Cansel 坎塞尔
Heaven 天堂

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