Your name in chinese Cynnah

How is Cynnah written in chinese?

Cynnah in simplified chinese:


Cynnah in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Cynnah in chinese?

Cynnah transcribed to pinyin:

xīn nà

Pronunciation of Cynnah in chinese:

Picture of the name Cynnah in chinese:

The name Cynnah in chinese characters

Meaning of Cynnah characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem
elegant, graceful, delicate

Example sentences that contain Cynnah in chinese:

Cynnah has given nine televisions a Maria Alejandra


xīnnà gěi mǎlìyà·yàlìhángdélā sòngle jiǔ tái diànshì

Cynnah's friend has nine televisions


xīnnà de péngyǒu yǒu jiǔ tái diànshì

Cynnah now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nurefsa 努雷夫萨
Bysha 比莎
Amed 艾美德
Gertrude 格特鲁德
Josselin 乔瑟林
Jacki 杰基
Rimuru 利姆鲁
Jaya 再也
Haidar 海达尔
Jofre 乔佛尔

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