Your name in chinese Cyprienne

How is Cyprienne written in chinese?

Cyprienne in simplified chinese:


Cyprienne in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Cyprienne in chinese?

Cyprienne transcribed to pinyin:

sī bèi rì ēn ní

Pronunciation of Cyprienne in chinese:

Picture of the name Cyprienne in chinese:

The name Cyprienne in chinese characters

Meaning of Cyprienne characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
think, consider, ponder; final particle
for (used to indicate passive voice)
sun; day; daytime
kindness, mercy, charity
interrogative or emphatic final; (Cant.) this

Example sentences that contain Cyprienne in chinese:

Cyprienne and Oswaldo Chavez are very good friends


sībèirìēnní hé àosīwǎěrduō·cháwéisī shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Cyprienne's friend has four bikes


sībèirìēnní de péngyǒu yǒu sì liàng zìxíngchē

Cyprienne now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Matisse 马蒂斯
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Verenice 维伦尼斯
Fritz 弗里茨
Janes 简斯
Capolot 卡波洛
Antonio 安东尼奥
Tyago 蒂亚戈
Patryk 帕特里克

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