Your name in chinese Daiana

How is Daiana written in chinese?

Daiana in simplified chinese:


Daiana in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Daiana in chinese?

Daiana transcribed to pinyin:

dài ān nà

Pronunciation of Daiana in chinese:

Picture of the name Daiana in chinese:

The name Daiana in chinese characters

Meaning of Daiana characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
wear on top; support
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
elegant, graceful, delicate

Example sentences that contain Daiana in chinese:

Daiana has given seven motorcycles a Madheleym


dàiānnà gěi mǎdéláimǔ sòngle qī liàng mótuōchē

Daiana's favorite fruit is the peach


dàiānnà zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì táozi

Daiana now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Vani 瓦尼
Timeo 蒂梅奥
Ryleigh 瑞利
Ji Eun 智恩
Tracker 追踪器
Kathryn Winters 凯瑟琳·温特斯
Lara Maria 拉拉·玛丽亚
Shinsuke 信介
Kezia 凯齐亚
Encompassing 包罗万象

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