Your name in chinese Daisy Librado

How is Daisy Librado written in chinese?

Daisy Librado in simplified chinese:


Daisy Librado in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Daisy Librado in chinese?

Daisy Librado transcribed to pinyin:

chú jú tiān chèng zuò

Pronunciation of Daisy Librado in chinese:

Picture of the name Daisy Librado in chinese:

The name Daisy Librado in chinese characters

Meaning of Daisy Librado characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
chick, fledging; infant, toddler
sky, heaven; god, celestial
balance, scale, steelyard
seat; stand, base

Example sentences that contain Daisy Librado in chinese:

Daisy Librado has given three cars a Gennesis


chújútiānchèngzuò gěi chuàngshìjì sòngle sān liàng chē

Daisy Librado and Gennesis are very good friends


chújútiānchèngzuò hé chuàngshìjì shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Daisy Librado now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Alberd 阿尔伯德
Kaylie 凯莉
Zora 佐拉
Eleazar 以利亚撒
Yaddy 亚迪
Joseling 约瑟林
Estela Paola 埃斯特拉·保拉
Evgenii 叶夫根尼
Mariona 马里奥娜
Nero 尼禄

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