Your name in chinese Daleska

How is Daleska written in chinese?

Daleska in simplified chinese:


Daleska in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Daleska in chinese?

Daleska transcribed to pinyin:

dá lái sī qiǎ

Pronunciation of Daleska in chinese:

Picture of the name Daleska in chinese:

The name Daleska in chinese characters

Meaning of Daleska characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery
goosefoot, weed; fallow field
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
card, punch card; calorie

Example sentences that contain Daleska in chinese:

Daleska's favorite color is pink


dáláisīqiǎ zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Daleska has given five motorcycles a Amad


dáláisīqiǎ gěi āmǎdé sòngle wǔ liàng mótuōchē

Daleska now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Amren 阿姆伦
Alessandro 亚历山德罗
Tayzet 泰泽
Afifa 阿菲法
Ouarit 瓦里特
Maylin 美林
Hemamalini 赫马马里尼
Hazeeq 哈泽克
Altynbek 阿尔金贝克
Siempre Juntas 辛普雷军政府

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