Your name in chinese Danubia
How is Danubia written in chinese?
Danubia in simplified chinese:
Danubia in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Danubia in chinese?
Danubia transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Danubia in chinese:
Picture of the name Danubia in chinese:

Meaning of Danubia characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
多 | much, many; more than, over |
瑙 | agate; cornelian |
河 | river; stream; yellow river |
Example sentences that contain Danubia in chinese:
Danubia's favorite fruit is the pear
Danubia and Paramo are very good friends
Danubia now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Danubia in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Romuald | 罗穆尔德 |
Dannielle | 丹妮尔 |
Marvin Junior | 小马文 |
Syf | 赛夫 |
Zaniyah | 扎尼耶 |
Nafis Rizki | 纳菲斯·里兹基 |
Arataki Itto | 新泷一东 |
Pare | 削减 |
Chandel | 钱德尔 |
Octave | 八度 |