Your name in chinese Darlene

How is Darlene written in chinese?

Darlene in simplified chinese:


Darlene in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Darlene in chinese?

Darlene transcribed to pinyin:

dá lín

Pronunciation of Darlene in chinese:

Picture of the name Darlene in chinese:

The name Darlene in chinese characters

Meaning of Darlene characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery
beautiful jade, gem

Example sentences that contain Darlene in chinese:

Darlene is studying japanese


dálín zhèngzài xuéxí rìyǔ

Darlene has given nine houses a Anne Flore


dálín gěi ānnī·fúluòěr sòngle jiǔ jiān fángzi

Darlene now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Darlene in japanese!

Japanese flag icon Go to see Darlene in japanese
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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Macitrick 马西特里克
Hansa 汉莎
Kovac 科瓦奇
Nixosela 尼克塞拉
Shopia 肖皮亚
Tomy 汤米
Lylah 莱拉
Sunny 孙尼
Finnian 芬兰语

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