Your name in chinese David Israel
How is David Israel written in chinese?
David Israel in simplified chinese:
David Israel in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce David Israel in chinese?
David Israel transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of David Israel in chinese:
Picture of the name David Israel in chinese:

Meaning of David Israel characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
大 | big, great, vast, large, high |
卫 | guard, protect, defend |
以 | by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to |
色 | color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty |
列 | a line; to arrange in order, classify |
Example sentences that contain David Israel in chinese:
David Israel wants to go to Mexico
David Israel's favorite fruit is the orange
David Israel now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say David Israel in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Jeico | 杰科 |
Leonore | 莱奥诺尔 |
Kylee | 凯莉 |
Lilyella | 百合属 |
Layna | 莱娜 |
Kaycie | 凯西 |
Lyudmila | 柳德米拉 |
Robinson | 罗宾逊 |
Jackeline | 杰克林 |
Anglea | 安格利亚 |