Your name in chinese David Mencia

How is David Mencia written in chinese?

David Mencia in simplified chinese:


David Mencia in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce David Mencia in chinese?

David Mencia transcribed to pinyin:

dà wèi · mén xī yà

Pronunciation of David Mencia in chinese:

Picture of the name David Mencia in chinese:

The name David Mencia in chinese characters

Meaning of David Mencia characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
big, great, vast, large, high
guard, protect, defend
· Meaning not available
gate, door, entrance, opening
西 west(ern); westward, occident
Asia; second

Example sentences that contain David Mencia in chinese:

David Mencia wants to go to Peru


dàwèi·ménxīyà xiǎng qù bìlǔ

David Mencia's favorite fruit is the banana


dàwèi·ménxīyà zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xiāngjiāo

David Mencia now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Henry Yosue 亨利·约瑟
Maria Francisca 玛丽亚·弗朗西斯卡
Ajith 阿吉特
Tomeu 托梅
Friede 弗里德

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