Your name in chinese David Presa
How is David Presa written in chinese?
David Presa in simplified chinese:
David Presa in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce David Presa in chinese?
David Presa transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of David Presa in chinese:
Picture of the name David Presa in chinese:
Meaning of David Presa characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
大 | big, great, vast, large, high |
卫 | guard, protect, defend |
· | Meaning not available |
普 | universal, general, widespread |
雷 | thunder |
萨 | Buddhist gods or immortals |
Example sentences that contain David Presa in chinese:
David Presa wants to go to Chile
David Presa is studying italian
David Presa now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say David Presa in japanese!
Go to see David Presa in japaneseOther names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Ariyonna | 阿里约纳 |
Perrito | 佩里托 |
Malaika | 马莱卡 |
Ana Victoria | 安娜·维多利亚 |
Du | 杜 |
Emma Romina | 艾玛·罗米娜 |
Avrio | 阿夫里奥 |
William | 威廉 |
Primitiva | 配米提呗阿 |
Flopa | 弗洛帕 |