Your name in chinese Davvid

How is Davvid written in chinese?

Davvid in simplified chinese:


Davvid in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Davvid in chinese?

Davvid transcribed to pinyin:

dài wéi

Pronunciation of Davvid in chinese:

Picture of the name Davvid in chinese:

The name Davvid in chinese characters

Meaning of Davvid characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
wear on top; support
maintain, preserve, safeguard

Example sentences that contain Davvid in chinese:

Davvid has given four books a Hector Jose


dàiwéi gěi hèkètuō·hésāi sòngle sì běn shū

Davvid's friend has four books


dàiwéi de péngyǒu yǒu sì běn shū

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Maelan 马兰
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Sandra Milena 桑德拉·米丽娜
Lac 紫胶
Ahzam 阿占
Janay 贾奈
Ajri 阿杰里
Mallorie 马洛里
Gregorio 格雷戈里

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