Your name in chinese Davvid
How is Davvid written in chinese?
Davvid in simplified chinese:
Davvid in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Davvid in chinese?
Davvid transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Davvid in chinese:
Picture of the name Davvid in chinese:

Meaning of Davvid characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
戴 | wear on top; support |
维 | maintain, preserve, safeguard |
Example sentences that contain Davvid in chinese:
Davvid's favorite color is white
Davvid has given four trees a Emem
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Osian | 欧西安 |
Alexi | 亚历克西 |
Nasreen | 纳斯林 |
Zayed | 扎耶德 |
Lenin | 列宁 |
Liliane | 莉莉安 |
Ian Lucca | 伊恩·卢卡 |
Maria Cabeza | 玛丽亚·海德 |
Souhayl | 苏海尔 |
Elma | 艾尔玛 |