Your name in chinese Deberry

How is Deberry written in chinese?

Deberry in simplified chinese:


Deberry in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Deberry in chinese?

Deberry transcribed to pinyin:

dé bó lǐ

Pronunciation of Deberry in chinese:

Picture of the name Deberry in chinese:

The name Deberry in chinese characters

Meaning of Deberry characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
ethics, morality, virtue
the eldest of the brothers, uncle, count
unit of distance; village; lane

Example sentences that contain Deberry in chinese:

Deberry wants to go to France


débólǐ xiǎng qù fàguó

Deberry has given three trees a Sian


débólǐ gěi xīān sòngle sān kē shù

Deberry now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Russo 罗素
Kitty 猫咪
Desmon 恶魔
Anabel 安娜贝尔
Katharine 凯瑟琳
Dagmaris 达格马里斯
Chaimaa 柴马
Noora 诺拉
Lilliam 莉莉亚姆
Brocky 布罗基

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