Your name in chinese Delay
How is Delay written in chinese?
Delay in simplified chinese:
Delay in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Delay in chinese?
Delay transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Delay in chinese:
Picture of the name Delay in chinese:

Meaning of Delay characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
延 | delay, postpone, defer |
迟 | late, tardy; slow; delay |
Example sentences that contain Delay in chinese:
Delay's favorite fruit is the watermelon
Delay is studying italian
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Melaine | 梅莱恩 |
Marlee | 玛莉 |
Jhiro | 次郎 |
Etryh | 埃特里 |
Everleigh | 埃弗里 |
Marie Anne | 玛丽安妮 |
Kyo | 京 |
Aleksey | 阿列克谢 |
Merari Guerrero | 梅拉里格雷罗 |
Naz Rin | 纳兹琳 |