Your name in chinese Dellerenzo

How is Dellerenzo written in chinese?

Dellerenzo in simplified chinese:


Dellerenzo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Dellerenzo in chinese?

Dellerenzo transcribed to pinyin:

dài lái lún zuǒ

Pronunciation of Dellerenzo in chinese:

Picture of the name Dellerenzo in chinese:

The name Dellerenzo in chinese characters

Meaning of Dellerenzo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation
goosefoot, weed; fallow field
normal human relationships
assist, aid, second; subordinate

Example sentences that contain Dellerenzo in chinese:

Dellerenzo's favorite color is red


dàiláilúnzuǒ zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hóngsè

Dellerenzo and Otero are very good friends


dàiláilúnzuǒ hé dàshǒu shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Benigna 良性
Emjay 埃姆杰
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