Your name in chinese Devi Ariyanti

How is Devi Ariyanti written in chinese?

Devi Ariyanti in simplified chinese:


Devi Ariyanti in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Devi Ariyanti in chinese?

Devi Ariyanti transcribed to pinyin:

dé wéi ā lǐ yáng dì

Pronunciation of Devi Ariyanti in chinese:

Picture of the name Devi Ariyanti in chinese:

The name Devi Ariyanti in chinese characters

Meaning of Devi Ariyanti characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
ethics, morality, virtue
maintain, preserve, safeguard
exclamation due to surprise
unit of distance; village; lane
scatter, spread; praise
peduncle or stem of plants

Example sentences that contain Devi Ariyanti in chinese:

Devi Ariyanti is studying japanese


déwéiālǐyángdì zhèngzài xuéxí rìyǔ

Devi Ariyanti and Nos are very good friends


déwéiālǐyángdì hé biānhào shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Devon 德文
Roi Salgado 萨尔加多岛
Liu Yueh Ting 刘月亭
Maria Desamparados 玛丽亚·德桑帕拉多斯
Anajar 阿纳哈尔
Magali 马加利
Dahlia 大丽花
Modes 模式
Scaramouche 斯卡拉穆什
Kovac 科瓦奇

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