Your name in chinese Divine
How is Divine written in chinese?
Divine in simplified chinese:
Divine in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Divine in chinese?
Divine transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Divine in chinese:
Picture of the name Divine in chinese:

Meaning of Divine characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
帝 | supreme ruler, emperor; god |
北 | north; northern; northward |
讷 | slow of speech; mumble; stammer |
Example sentences that contain Divine in chinese:
Divine wants to go to France
Divine has given ten cats a Daren
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Juana | 胡安娜 |
Courtney Hylton | 考特尼希尔顿 |
Yuefeng | 岳峰 |
Gentleman | 绅士 |
Marshall | 马歇尔 |
Wences | 文斯 |
Higor | 海戈尔 |
Ze Chen | 陈泽 |
Joha | 约哈 |
Gretchen | 格雷琴 |