Your name in chinese Dog Balls

How is Dog Balls written in chinese?

Dog Balls in simplified chinese:


Dog Balls in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Dog Balls in chinese?

Dog Balls transcribed to pinyin:

gǒu qiú

Pronunciation of Dog Balls in chinese:

Picture of the name Dog Balls in chinese:

The name Dog Balls in chinese characters

Meaning of Dog Balls characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
dog, canis familiaris
ball, sphere, globe; round

Example sentences that contain Dog Balls in chinese:

Dog Balls is studying french


gǒuqiú zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Dog Balls's favorite fruit is the banana


gǒuqiú zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xiāngjiāo

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Arguello 阿圭洛
Nissy 尼西
Lakeyia 拉克亚
Jakko 亚科
Rylei 瑞莱
Vitoria 维多利亚
Jhonna 乔纳
Besma 贝斯玛
Saechao 萨超
Benster 本斯特

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