Your name in chinese Doneza

How is Doneza written in chinese?

Doneza in simplified chinese:


Doneza in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Doneza in chinese?

Doneza transcribed to pinyin:

táng sà

Pronunciation of Doneza in chinese:

Picture of the name Doneza in chinese:

The name Doneza in chinese characters

Meaning of Doneza characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
Tang dynasty; Chinese
Buddhist gods or immortals

Example sentences that contain Doneza in chinese:

Doneza has given seven dogs a Yolande


tángsà gěi yuēlándé sòngle qī zhī gǒu

Doneza wants to go to Japan


tángsà xiǎng qù rìběn

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Yami 亚美
Nathania 纳塔尼亚
Kofta 科夫塔
Fahad 法赫德
Howard 霍华德
Maik 迈克
Jose Eduardo 何塞·爱德华多
Marioara 马里奥拉
Manuel Juan 曼努埃尔·胡安
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