Your name in chinese Donrick
How is Donrick written in chinese?
Donrick in simplified chinese:
Donrick in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Donrick in chinese?
Donrick transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Donrick in chinese:
Picture of the name Donrick in chinese:

Meaning of Donrick characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
唐 | Tang dynasty; Chinese |
里 | unit of distance; village; lane |
克 | gram; overcome; transliteration |
Example sentences that contain Donrick in chinese:
Donrick is studying russian
Donrick has given seven dogs a Exte
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Ardhani | 阿尔达尼 |
Yuliza | 尤利扎 |
Lawrence | 劳伦斯 |
Marisa | 玛丽莎 |
Katleen | 凯琳 |
Ulric | 乌尔里克 |
Mei Lin | 梅琳 |
Rayan | 拉扬 |
Yarenys | 亚雷尼斯 |
Osiel Serna | 奥西尔·塞尔纳 |