Your name in chinese Doumbia

How is Doumbia written in chinese?

Doumbia in simplified chinese:


Doumbia in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Doumbia in chinese?

Doumbia transcribed to pinyin:

dūn bǐ yà

Pronunciation of Doumbia in chinese:

Picture of the name Doumbia in chinese:

The name Doumbia in chinese characters

Meaning of Doumbia characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
esteem; honest, candid, sincere
to compare, liken; comparison; than
Asia; second

Example sentences that contain Doumbia in chinese:

Doumbia and Thalia are very good friends


dūnbǐyà hé tǎlìyà shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Doumbia's favorite color is blue


dūnbǐyà zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Doumbia now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Doumbia in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Levi Ackerman 列维·阿克曼
Wladimir 弗拉基米尔
Ange 安洁
Nolen 诺伦
Tasa 塔萨
Jesus Ignacio 耶稣伊格纳西奥
Deshawn 德肖恩
Kaya 卡亚
Vihan 维汉
Higgins 希金斯

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